At least that's what the giant sheet of coupons implies. Two days after reviewing two outrageous food pyramids that are going to blow your mind, I received McDonald's coupons in the mail. Addressed to "Resident," obviously because they don't know that I am not a customer. Like I've mentioned before, on long road trips I love Mickey D's. I love that we can pull up, park, and I can run in a side entrance, use the loo, and then run back out again. Their bathrooms are usually clean, well-stocked and convenient. One summer I used their bathrooms so many times during a long road trip that I half expected to start seeing WANTED signs. "WANTED: Woman using bathrooms but not a paying food or beverage customer. REWARD."
The first two coupons on the sheet are "No purchase necessary." One for a free small Frappe, and the other one for a free 32 oz. beverage, "excluding orange juice, shakes, McCafe and iced coffee." The other coupons are buy-one-get-one or free this with purchase of that. For some reason I was insulted when I got this in the mail. I can't explain why, but maybe the pyramids I recently looked at had something to do with it.
Get ready to feel very, very angry:
The biggest revelation I got from this is that truly no one but myself has my best interest in mind when it comes to food.
(pyramids courtesy of PCRM.
I wish the government was less involved in pretty much everything. And I mean that in a bipartisan way.
Their meddling influence as indicated by the subsidy pyramid is appalling.
And why do beans/legumes get such bad positioning on the pyramids? Although I still wouldn't frequent Mickey D's even if they offered a nice lentil burger...
My word =( I got those coupons too. Although they did not offend me, the magazine I was given for free at my Doctor's office did. It's published by McDonald's and is full of suggestions for healthful living and advertisements for Happy meals. One article suggested that mom's take their children to a nearby eatery with a playground and enjoy an iced beverage while the children play. The same article suggests that mom's give them selves a break by going through a local drive through while their child sleeps in the car and enjoying and ice tea or coffee. Hmmm, I wonder where I could find one of those? I don't buy it, but a lot of parents do. Face it, most people don't go to McDonald's and just order and ice tea and those iced coffees are hardly healthy. Maybe we should all go get those free frappes and sodas and send McDonald's a video of ourselves flushing it down the toilet, that's what they're doing with their money. Better yet we should send it to the government along side one of us flushing our tax payment down the toilet. Thanks for the info about subsidies, now that makes me mad.
Those pyramids are useful visuals - thanks!
Ijust recently found your blog and I love it! I am trying to kick the processed crap and eat real food, and feed my family the same. It's hard and this post sums up exactly why. Thanks for sharing it!
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